Hello Abdullahi Bashir, Max Savellano, Rikuto Yoshida and Usama Waheed. I reviewed your interactive learning resource about Parkinson’s disease and I thought it was a great topic to learn about as there is not a lot of awareness on this topic. I believe it is important for us to equip ourselves with knowledge regarding the signs, symptoms and onset of Parkinson’s disease as it can be a very debilitating experience for those who are suffering from it. 

Learning Context and Overview

I found the Overview section to be straightforward, simple and concise. I appreciate how it briefly outlines the major learning outcomes and what learners can do once the learning outcomes are achieved. I like how there is an emphasis and encouragement regarding spreading awareness about this neurodegenerative disease as it is quite prevalent amongst older people. I’d also like to highlight that although there is a lot of information online about Parkinson’s disease, not a lot of educative sources bring to light, the misconceptions people commonly have about it. Unlearning these common misconceptions and addressing them is a great start to gaining a better understanding of this disorder and I appreciate how your group has included this in your learning outcomes.
I think this topic can be easily understood by students in Grade 12 and therefore the learning context looks great to me. 

Learning Outcomes

As mentioned earlier, I like the learning outcomes that were chosen by your group. They are clear and easy to understand which ensures that learners have a good idea about what learning outcomes they will achieve through this module and what they can do with the knowledge that they have gained. One thing I would like to note is that although one of the outcomes briefly mentions the discussion of risk factors for Parkinson’s disease, I’m not sure if there is an explanation for the causes of this disorder. I think it would be great to touch on this area as well. 


I believe your group has created an excellent assessment plan for the chosen topic. I like how the quiz creates an opportunity for interaction between the students and the learning provider. The summative assessment (report) is also a great way to assess the depth and extent to which students have understood the concepts.

Diversity and Inclusion

I believe that your learning resource ensures inclusivity for students who may face barriers such as loss of hearing and lack of access to a computer at home. Your group has addressed these barriers by ensuring that all students have an equal opportunity at achieving their learning goals. I would like to bring to light that you have mentioned Zoom/Google meets for students who may want to ask questions or gain direct feedback. I was wondering how students with hearing loss can also access this (live feedback) resource while accommodating their needs. It might be useful to mention Zoom features such as live transcriptions which may be helpful to a certain extent.

Overall, I think your group has done a great job in creating this draft for the final learning resource and I strongly believe that with the incorporation of some feedback from our classmates, your final learning resource will be excellent. I’m looking forward to it! Good luck Pod 3!

Link to Pod 3’s Draft resource: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IYVboXpjw0kQbcenJHI5QhFb_wCI6qwQm399TqB-xYY/mobilebasic?urp=gmail_link